Recent work includes:
I now have a series of illustrated greeting cards available for your letter-writing adventures. Click here to order yours today!
In mid-February, I gave an invited talk to the UW Dept. of Zoology & Physiology. It was entitled: "Drawn to Science: Exploring the Historical and Contemporary Synergies between Drawing, Creativity, and Science," and a recording is available to watch via WyoCast.
Wyoming EPSCoR recently interviewed me about the nature drawing/field journal workshops I teach (most recent workshop was for Biodiversity Institute on 3/5).

I have begun writing an illustrated natural history column for literary/arts/nature children's magazine root & star. My first piece was published in the spring 2016 issue.
An article of mine was published in American Scientist - Drawn to Caribou - about the caribou researcher I visited in the Northwest Territories a year ago.
I've been writing lots of grant applications, to build up enough funds to pursue my master's writing projects. I have a bunch of information about each of those online (on my website):
- Writing/Illustrating the Ecologically True Story of the Tortoise and the Hare
- Establishing a baseline: Documenting how Ecological Concepts are Represented in Children’s Books
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